I know Easter is over but I saw this and wanted to share.
Traditional Easter ritual and meaning
April 18, 13:36
Fr. Ghevondyan noted that the current week is the most luminous week, whose focus is the Resurrection of Christ.“This year [it] coincided worldwide, and all Christians will celebrate Easter [this year] on [Sunday,] April 20,” he said.
The pastor also informed that, ahead of Easter, a torchlight procession will be held in capital city Yerevan for the first time this year.
“The youth will form a cross with the torches, praise Jesus, [and] subsequently, they will distribute these torches to the passers-by,” Fr. Ghevondyan added.
Speaking about the traditional Easter decorations and dishes, Lusik Aguletsi set apart the red-dyed eggs and the tree of life. She also presented the peculiarities of the days of Holy Easter Week, which used to reign among the people.
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